Russ Jeffs and 207 Squadron
A Photo Album

Commanding Officer, No.207 Squadron
5 Group Bomber Command, May-Dec 1942

207 Reunion, Derby
England, 3 September 2006

2002 Reunion with Tony Ruth (L) 2002 and Ben Lyon

2002 Reunion: Sqn Ldr Al Dolding, then OC 207R Squadron,
receives 207 Lancasters print, Russ looking on

2002 reunion: with Wg Cdr Ken Marwood AFM, President of the Association
and Sqn Ldr Al Dolding, then OC 207R Squadron

2003 reunion: with Wg Cdr Thos Murray DSO DFC*, one of his Flight Commanders on
207 Squadron in 1942, ever together at Reunions

Presentation of the new 207 Sqn Standard, November 2003
with HRH Prince Andrew

Presentation of the new 207 Sqn Standard, November 2003
with HRH Prince Andrew

Presentation of the new 207 Sqn Standard, November 2003
with HRH Prince Andrew

Presentation of the new 207 Sqn Standard, November 2003
with two other former COs – Lez Arthur and Peter Goodman

2004: with another good friend, Mrs Dorothy Ware, first widowed in May 1943

2004 Reunion: with past and present COs and the new 207 Standard,
Sqn Ldr Paul Stockley, Sqn Ldr Al Dolding, Thos Murray (acting CO 1942),
and Sqn Ldr Ian Hampton

May 2005: watched by Canadian Air Force officers and assisted by
207 Sqn RAF Association Secretary Kevin Mapley,
Russ lays a wreath at the 207 Corless crew memorial near Meeuwen, Province of Limburg, Belgium

May 2005: With Thos Murray at P/O Unsworth DFM’s grave:
he was killed with four others of his 207 Manchester crew on 14 October 1941.

May 2005: with Monica, our hotel keeper in the Limburg
Province of Belgium, and Thos Murray

Sep 2005: Dedication of 207 Sqn Tree at the National Memorial Arboretum
with Wg Cdr Ken Marwood AFM, Sqn Ldr Paul Stockley (then OC 207 Sqn)
Wg Cdr Thos Murray DSO DFC*, Mrs Dorothy Ware

Russ and Dorothy Ware lay a wreath at our tree

207 Tree plaque
Silver birch

Dedication complete: with Rev Dr Desmond Harvey, retired Assistant Chaplain in Chief of the RAF,
husband of a Friend Member whose father was killed on 207 in 1943

Russ Jeffs and his instructors

The Arboretum kindly provided a buggy to enable Russ to more speedily return to the Visitor Centre. This was an opportunity too good to miss for a spot of instructing!

L-R: recently retired Wg Cdr Alan Mawby OBE whose last job was as a senior QFI and as a Flt Lt RAFR on 207R Sqn at Linton; Wg Cdr Thos Murray DSO DFC* RAF(Retd) in 1942 was responsible for familiarising Russ with the Lancaster when Russ took over as CO; then OC 207R Squadron Sqn Ldr Paul Stockley RAF, whose job it was to lead a team of those instructing the RAF and RN fast jet pilots of tomorrow.

Thos Murray presents Russ with his Veteran’s Badge which
the Royal British Legion staff spotted he was not wearing

2006 reunion: “You see, it was like this …”

2006 reunion: with John Banfield, who was on the Squadron in 1942
and is Secretary of the RAF Ex-POW Association

Russ, it was an honour to have known you