Still in checking and revision: version date as in menu: see Notes: last update 19 Aug 08: 13 Dec 18
d = died: p = POW: e = evaded: SOC = Struck Off Charge: SS = Sold for scrap
to search, put cursor here then press CTRL and F togetherDate - Serial No - Mark- Sqn Code - Pilot - Loss summary - Target - Crew fate
28.3.42 - R5501 - I - EM-G Lingard - collided with Miles Master DK973 and crashed on Canwick Hill, 2m S of Lincoln - 4d
8.4.42 - R5498 - I - EM-Z McCarthy - crashed adjacent to Normanton Lodge on approach to Bottesford - all safe
24.5.42 - R5617 - I - EM-T Paul - flew into Standon Hill, near Tavistock, Devon, while on training flight in bad weather - 4d
4.6.42 - R5847 - I - EM-Y Wathey - shot down by nightfighter (Maj Günter Radusch, II./NJG2): crashed Zwiggelte (Drenthe), 14 km SSE of Assen, Netherlands - all d - Bremen
21.6.42 - R5860 - I - EM-Y Ings - ditched in North Sea 90m east of Humber estuary outbound to Emden - all safe
12.7.42 - L7543 - I - EM-Z Duke - missing - all d - Danzig
24.7.42 - R5632 - I - EM-N Hawes - believed crashed at sea Ijselmeer, Netherlands - all d - Duisburg
24.7.42 - R5867 - I - EM-T McCarthy JJG - shot down at Baerl on Dutch/German border during operation on Duisburg, crashed at Krefeld - all d
6.8.42 - R5550 - I - EM-B Akerman - destroyed by fire after collision on runway with Manchester L7385 - 3d
6.8.42 - R5761 - I - EM-T Ings - shot down at Altforst, Holland, during operation to Essen - all d
11.8.42 - R5499 - I - EM-O Speir - missing - all d - from 'gardening' operation to Kattegat
13.8.42 - R5633 - I - EM-R Kane - missing - all d - Mainz
13.8.42 - R5760 - I - EM-Y Fry - missing - all d - Mainz
17.8.42 - R5509 - I - EM-N/G Sutherland - missing - all d - 'gardening'operation to Kiel Bay
17.8.42 - R5616 - I - EM-J Southwell - shot down by fighters on 'gardening' operation to Kattegat, ditched SSW of Mano Island, Denmark- 6d 1p
19.8.42 - R5863 - I - EM-K Fordwych - crashed at Normanton, Notts. when on overshoot, training - all d
28.8.42 - W4129 - I - EM-R Brown TD - crashed in North Sea - 4d 3p - Kassel
5.9.42 - R5755 - I - EM-N Rowlands - shot down into the ljsselmeer east of Medemblik during operation to Bremen - all d
10.9.42 - R5628 - I - EM-Q Einarson - shot down into sea 6 mls. SW of Thyboron, Denmark, on 'gardening' operation to Kattegat - all d
17.9.42 - L7571 - I - 61 Sqn QR-S borrowed by 207 Herron - missing - all p - Essen
24.10.42 - W4121 - I - EM-B Wright LR - crashed in sea off Blainville sur Mer, France - all d - Milan
7.11.42 - L7546 - I - EM-G Wilson RS - missing - all d - Genoa
25.11.42 - R5694 - I - EM-F Hannan - hit high ground in bad visibility at Easton, Lincs, home-bound from Bad Zwischenahn (Vechta) - all d
26.11.42 - R5695 - I - EM-C Parkyn - missing - all d - Haselunne
8-9.12.42 - R5570 - I - EM-F Bain - crashed near Milan - all d - Turin
21-22.12.42 - W4191 - I - EM-Q Walker JR - crashed near Amersfoort, 28 km ESE Utrecht, Netherlands - all d - Munich
3-4.1.43 - W4134 - I - EM-U Chaster - crashed between Asselt & Roermond, Netherlands - 4d 2p 1e - Essen
21-22.1.43 - W4365 - I - EM-B Dangerfield JC - missing - all d - Essen
14.2.43 - W4167 - I - EM-Q Evison - crashed on landing, Langar on return from Lorient - all safe - (a/c SOC 2.3.43)
14-15.2.43 - L7547 - I - EM-M Whyte - 5d 2e - Caught fire and abandoned: crashed St. Brisson (Nievre) homebound - Milan
18-19.2.43 - ED330 - I - EM-F Beer NC - lost at sea - 6d 1p - Wilhelmshaven
26.2.43 - ED356 - I - EM-W Sexton - crashed near Ludwigshafen - all d - Nuremburg
3.3.43 - ED533 - I - EM-N Isaacs - missing - all d - minelaying 'Deodar'
4.3.43 - ED365 - I - EM-U Evison - missing - all d - Hamburg
9-10.3.43 - W4172 - I - EM-X Wood I - crashed near Lavannes 12km NE of Reims, France - 4d 1p 2e - Munich
12-13.3.43 - ED604 - I - EM-A Doble - missing - all d - Essen
30.3.43 - W4931 - I - EM-U Street - shot down after bombing - all p (Street later shot in Great Escape) - Berlin
9-10.4.43 - ED554 - I - EM-Q Healey - crashed near Jisp, 16km N of Amsterdam - all d - Duisburg
27.4.43 - W4171 - I - EM-J Jones IB - crashed near Schonselle, Holteren, Netherlands - all d - Duisburg
29.4.43 - W4945 - I - EM-Z Rees - crashed at Limfjorden/Rimmerstrand 9km NE Struer, Denmark - minelaying The Sound - all d
13.5.43 - W4938 - I - EM-A Evans - missing - all d - Duisburg
13.5.43 - ED418 - I - EM-G Hawkes WD - crashed at Hilversum, Netherlands - all d - Duisburg
26.5.43 - ED600 - I - EM-P Drayton - crashed near Eindhoven, Netherlands - all d - Dusseldorf
25-26.5.43 - W5001 - III - EM-J Parselle - crashed near Uden, 26 km NNE of Eindhoven, Netherlands - 6d 2p - Dusseldorf
11-12.6.43 - ED537 - I - EM-O Elliot JH - missing - all d - Dusseldorf
23.6.43 - ED692 - I - EM-W Herrin - missing - all d - Mulheim
29.6.43 - ED569 - I - EM-B Russell - crashed near Wognum, 7km NNW Hoorn, Netherlands - all d - Cologne
13.7.43 - ED412 - I - EM-Q Badge - crashed into Le Grammont mountain above Le Bouveret, Switzerland, after hit by Swiss flak, outbound - all d - Turin
17.7.43 - DV183 - III - EM-W Stubbs - attacked after leaving target, crashlanded - 6d 1p - Cislago
28.7.43 - W4962 - I - EM-B Burne - missing - 5d 2p - Hamburg
12.8.43 - W4952 - I - EM-T Trimble - crashed on landing, Langar - all safe - Training 12.8.43: SOC 23.8.43
13.8.43 - ED361 - I - EM-R Cartwright - collided with JA844 619 Sqn, abandoned nr Dunsfold, Surrey, crashed Plaistow, 10m W Horsham, Sussex, inbound - 1d - Milan
16.8.43 - ED498 - I - EM-D Pearcey - set on fire, crashed near Houlgate, 25km NE Caen, France - 6d 1p - Milan
23-24.8.43 - ED550 - I - EM-K Osmer - crashed near Nieuw-Dordrecht, 6km SE Emmen, Netherlands - 6d 1p - Berlin
28.8.43 - ED627 - III - EM-N Fitzgerald - missing - all d - Nuremburg
28.8.43 - LM334 - III - EM-V Welch - missing - all d - Nuremburg
31.8.43 - W4120 - I - EM-L Hickling - crashed nr Maarheze, 3kn SE of station, 5km NW of Weert, Netherlands - 6d 1p - München-Gladbach
3-4.9.43 - ED832 - III - EM-X Huntly-Wood - missing - all d - Berlin
22-23.9.43 - ED442 - III - EM-W Coxon - missing - all d - Hanover
2.10.43 - DV184 - III - EM-O Bremner - crashed on take-off, Langar - all d
18-19.10.43 - W4276 - I - EM-L Negus - missing - 6d 1p - Hanover
19.10.43 - LM326 - III - EM-Z Taylor, G - crashed on the Reim-Reinerbaech Arzen Road, SW of Hamelin, Germany - 7p - Hanover
23.10.43 - DV243 - III - EM-D Kelly - ditched 30-40m NE of Great Yarmouth home-bound from Frankfurt - 1d
22-23.10.43 - EE175 - III - EM-R McDowell - missing - all d - Kassel
23-24.11.43 - W4959 - I - EM-S Reay - missing - all d - Berlin
3-4.12.43 - ED601 - I - EM-N Mann - missing - all d - Berlin
16-17.12.43 - EE141 - III - EM-P Allen - crashed at Helmsdorf - 2d 5p - Berlin
22.12.43 - DV361 - I - EM-V Baker GA - caught fire in air and abandoned near Grafton Underwood, Northants - 3d - Training
24.12.43 - DV188 - III - EM-J Moulton-Barrett - shot down after bombing, crashed at Luckenwalde, SSW of Berlin - 1d 6p - Berlin
2.1.44 - W4892 - I - EM-T Solomon F 1st Lt USAAF - missing - all d - Berlin
2.1.44 - DV370 - I - EM-L Bottrell - missing - all d - Berlin
6.1.44 - ED586 - I - EM-F Ebert - crashed near target - all d - Stettin
15.1.44 - DV369 - I - EM-D Balfour DC - missing - 1d 6p - Brunswick
15.1.44 - DV191 - III - EM-O/Q James - crashed near Hannover, Germany - 2d 5p - Brunswick
15.1.44 - EE197 - III - Gallagher - EM-N damaged by FW190 over Brunswick and crash-landed at Spilsby
14-15.1.44 - LM383 - III - EM-R Kingston - crashed near Hannover, Germany - 6d 1p - Brunswick
20.1.44 - ED698 - III - Glann - EM-S swung on take-off, undercarriage collapsed on second attempt, Spilsby
21-22.1.44 - R5895 - I - EM-B Read JM - missing - all d - Magdeburg
29.1.44 - LM366 - III - EM-H Taylor, J - missing - 7d 1p - Berlin
30-31.1.44 - DV371 - I - EM-M Broad HD - missing - 6d 1p - Berlin
31.1.44 - ED758 - I - EM-V Moore A - crashed in the Baltic - all d - Berlin
30-31.1.44 - EE173 - III - EM-K Burnet - crashed in Lake Kummel, W of Berlin, Germany - 1d 6p - Berlin
15-16.2.44 - ND510 - III - EM-T Cosens - 'lost at sea' - all d - Berlin
20.2.44 - ME633 - I - EM-Y Clark JJR - missing - all d - Leipzig
20.2.44 - EE126 - III - EM-A Jarvis - set on fire, abandoned over Neppen, Germany - 3d 4p - Leipzig
26.2.44 - W4815 - I - EM-C Derbyshire JE - overshot landing at Spilsby, on return - all d - Augsburg
10-11.3.44 - ND513 - III - EM-R Pike - shot down over target - all d - Clermont Ferrand
22-23.3.44 - ME666 - I - EM-A Wheeler VJ - missing - 4d 3p - Frankfurt
24-25.3.44 - ME680 - I - EM-R Polley GF - crashed 12km NNW Finsterwalde, Germany - all d - Berlin
31.3.44 - LM436 - III - EM-G Riddle - missing - all d - Nuremburg
31.3.44 - ND568 - III - EM-L Thornton - missing - all d - Nuremburg
6.4.44 - ME685 - I - EM-C Senior JR -missing - all d - Toulouse
10.4.44 - ME688 - I - EM-E Edmonds SA - crashed in N Sea - all d - minelaying Danzig
21.4.44 - ND564 - III - EM-H Burgess - missing - 6d 1e - La Chappelle
27.4.44 - ME631 - I - EM-K Jones AN - following sustained attack by nightfighter, crashed in the Black Forest SE of the village of Reichental, 6km SE of Gernsbach - 1d 1e 5p - Schweinfurt
27.4.44 - LM526 - III - EM-R Muir - missing - all d - Schweinfurt
4.5.44 - ND556 - III - EM-F Lissette - shot down by night-fighter near Chaintreaux, 12km. SE of Nemours, Seine-et-Marne - 2d 1p 4e - Mailly
4.5.44 - ND575 - III - EM-M Bell - crashed 1 km E of Donnermarie-Dontilly, 15 km. SW of Provins Seine-et-Marne - all d - Mailly
22.5.44 - ND522 - III - EM-J Walshe - missing - 5d 2p - minelaying Kiel Bay
23.5.44 - LL776 - I - EM-S McSweeney - crashed Altharen, N of Meppen-Ems, Germany - 2d 5p 1e - Brunswick
23.5.44 - LM540 - III - EM-Q Heath - missing - 6d 1p - Brunswick
23.5.44 - ND871 - III - EM-G Symons - missing - 6d 1p - Brunswick
10.6.44 - ME678 - I - EM-N Briggs HR - missing - all d - Etampes
22.6.44 - DV360 - I - EM-U Goodman - crashed 3km SW Grosshau, Germany - 3d 2p 2e - Wesseling
21-22.6.44 - LL973 - I - EM-M Solly CJ - schräge Musik attack, crashed near Dorne, Opoeteren, 12km NE Genk, Belgium - 3d 2p 2e - Wesseling
22.6.44 - ME683 - I - EM-W Corless AVD - crashed Meeuwen Anjerstraat, 23km NNE Hasselt, Belgium - all d - Wesseling
22.6.44 - ME827 - I - EM-I Gallagher FW - crashed on Moestraatsebaan at Bergen-op-Zoom, Netherlands - 7d 1p - Wesseling
22.6.44 - LM578 - III - EM-C Smart - crashed at sea nr coast off Overflakkee, Netherlands - all d - Wesseling
5.7.44 - LM125 - I - EM-G Wilson JH - crashed between Apremont (Oise) and Vineuil-St-Firmin, 2km NE Chantilly - all d - St. Leu d'Esserent
5.7.44 - ND570 - III - EM-Z Gibbs - missing - 6d 1p - St. Leu d'Esserent
8.7.44 - LM129 - I - EM-Y Stamp CE - crashed at Herouville, near Auvers-sur-Oise - 3d 3p 1e - St. Leu d'Esserent
8.7.44 - LM218 - I - EM-N Boyce KA - crashed at Haudricourt, 5 km W of Aumale - 5d 2e - St. Leu d'Esserent
8.7.44 - ME805 - I - EM-J Alderton M - crashed near Wambez, 20 km. NW of Beauvais - 4e 3p - St.Leu d'Esserent
8.7.44 - ND567 - III - EM-V Hordley - crashed at Champ Muger, Sérifontaine, 30 km. W of Beauvais - 5d 1p 1e - St. Leu d'Esserent
8.7.44 - ND866 - III - EM-B Milner - crashed between Bezu St. Eloi and Neaufles St. Martin - 6d 1p - St. Leu d'Esserent
16.7.44 - ME807 - I - EM-S Jones GL - crashed at Lignieres de Touraine 22km WSW Tours, France - all d - Nevers: ME851 PO-B of 467 Sqn crashed same place - all d
19.7.44 - ME681 - I - EM-T Weekes NL - crashed at Margny, 10km NE Montmirail, France - all d - Revigny
19.7.44 - ME814 - I - EM-E Dallen JG - crashed bt Lignon and Margerie-Hancourt, 12 km S Vitry le Francois, France - 6d 1e - Revigny
19.7.44 - PD210 - I - EM-C McNaughton - crashed near St Germain-la-Ville, 10km SE Chalons-sur-Marne, France - 6d 1e - Revigny
25.7.44 - PB294 - III - EM-G McIntosh - crashed in sea off Lincolnshire coast when jettisoning bomb-load home-bound from Donges - all d
29.7.44 - ND872 - III - EM-L Marshall - missing - all d - Stuttgart
15.8.44 - LM263 - I - EM-N Overgaauw GAC - crashed 3m SW of Deelen airfield - all d - Deelen
26.8.44 - PD216 - I - EM-J Harding - crashed near Domheim 2km N of Darmstadt - all d - Darmstadt
12.9.44 - LM261 - I - EM-C Cooke DC - missing - all d - Darmstadt
13.9.44 - PD267 - I - EM-G Bowen BV - crashed Birkenstrasse 22, Stuttgart - 6d 1p - Stuttgart
24.9.44 - PD318 - I - EM-J Kerwin RT - crashed at Elspeet, 15 km NW of Apeldoorn, Netherlands - all d - Handorf
6-7.10.44 - ME667 - I - EM-X Middleton JH - missing - all d - Bremen
16.10.44 - LM208 - I - EM-M Montgomery GH - crashed at Laastrup, 14km N Viborg, Denmark - minelaying Kattegat
16.10.44 - NG143 - I - EM-R Ready - missing - all d - minelaying Kattegat
29.10.44 - LM271 - I - EM-L Church DC - missing - all d - Bergen
1.11.44 - PD290 - I - EM-N Loveless - swung on take-off, hit 429 Sqn Halifax MP954 and blew up: 3 other Halifaxes lost inc a 429 F/E, Spilsby
6-7.11.44 - ND555 - III - EM-D Adams - missing - all d - Gravenhorst
11.11.44 - PB428 - III - EM-T Sparks - collided with LM648 of 44 Sqn in Spilsby circuit on inbound from Harburg - all d
16.11.44 - NF979 - I - EM-B Anderson - missing - all d - Duren
4-5.12.44 - LL968 - I - EM-K Lovett - crashed Barenbach, France - all d - Heilbron
4-5.12.44 - PB765 - I - EM-B Wall GL - missing - 3d 4p - Heilbron
6-7.12.44 - PD322 - I - EM-C Henderson BJ - missing - 4d 3p - Frankfurt (Giessen)
19.12.44 - NG144 - I - EM-G Buchanan - missing - all d - Gdynia (Lutzow)
19.12.44 - LM671 - III - EM-S White - shot down over target and ditched in Baltic - 7p Gdynia (Lutzow)
6.1.45 - NE168 - III - EM-F Perez - missing - 6d 1p - Houffalize
8.2.45 - NN724 - I - EM-X Fowler LJ - crashed Lichtenvorde, 45km E of Arnhem, Netherlands - 3p 4e - Ladbergen
21-22.2.45 - PB814 - I - EM-T Phelan - exploded above the target - 6d 1p - Gravenhorst
21-22.2.45 - PB295 - III - EM-I Huntley - missing - 5d 1p 1e - Gravenhorst
2.3.45 - ME473 - III - EM-H Lawson - collided with Lancaster ND572 of 57 Sqn near Metheringham and crashed at Ruskington, Lincs. - all d
3-4.3.45 - NG204 - I - EM-M Miller - missing - all d - Ladbergen
5-6.3.45 - NG230 - I - EM-F De Garis - lost at sea - all d - Bohlen
6.3.45 - ME386 - III - EM-G Wakeling - crashed into River Witham, near Boston, Lincs, home-bound from Bohlen - 4d
15.3.45 - LL902 - I - EM-A Cooke - flew into ground in severe fog, when diverted, Little Rissington: this was longest serving a/c on 207 - all d - Lutzkendorf
14-15.3.45 - NG399 - I - EM-O Cranston - crashed S of Leipzig - 2d 5p - Lutzkendorf
21.3.45 - PA196 - I - EM-D Lewis RA - missing - all d - Bohlen
22.3.45 - ME522 - III - EM-X Werner - missing - all d - Hamburg
11.4.45 - ME472 - III - EM-O Anderson - hit by flak over Leipzig and crashed near Koblenz - 1d 6e
3.5.45 - NG245 - I - EM-R crash-landed; SOC 23.3.49
29.1.46 - PA304 - I - McGuinness - swung and crashed on landing, Methwold - all safe: SOCNotes
Any errors in the above information may be as a result of the editor's transcription or misunderstanding or inconsistency, all of which can be corrected in due course.
Sources do not always agree, e.g. on crash information, and the editor has much work yet to do.
Any improving contributions to the editor, Frank Haslam, please.Principal sources
information gathered from the PRO by Raymond Glynne-Owen, 207 Squadron specialist member, Air Britain
Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War (W R 'Bill' Chorley, Midland Counties Publishing, various dates)
Always Prepared - the Story of 207 Squadron RAF (John Hamlin, Air Britain, 1999)
The Lancaster File (J J Halley, Air Britain, 1985)Losses by a/c letter
For those curious about such things here is another view of these losses, assuming that the editor has counted correctly: thoughts on this would be welcome: all sorts of factors could be involved, such as some letters being used less than others. Probably there is little that can be read into this analysis, or is there .... ?
A Flight (letters A-M) Lancaster losses on 207: total 75 A = 5 B = 10 C = 7 D = 4 E = 2 F = 7 G = 10 H = 3 I = 2 J = 8 K = 5 L = 6 M = 6 B Flight (letters N-Z) Lancaster losses on 207: total 72 N = 10 O = 1 P = 2 Q = 6 R = 10 S = 6 T = 9 U = 4 V = 4 W = 5 X = 5 Y = 5 Z = 5