207 Squadron flew Avro Lincoln B.2s August 1949 to March 1950, following training which began in May 1949 using a Wyton aircraft: Flt Lt Ken Morris took 207's first Lincoln to Mildenhall on 18 July 1949. All were equipped with Gee-H Mk4a, H2S and Rebecca Mk4 but the Lincoln was already obsolete.
The Squadron gained efficiency and experience on the Lincolns through exercises in the UK and Sunrays to Shallufa. However, news came that 207 was to be disbanded and the aircraft were flown out to Upwood on 1 March 1950.
Serial Code Fate: to Serial Code Fate: to RE296 EM-K 214 Sqn RE360 n/a 214 Sqn RE301 n/a 214 Sqn RE400 EM-E 7 Sqn RE320 n/a 214 Sqn RE423 n/a 214 Sqn RE324 EM-C 214 Sqn RF570 n/a 149 Sqn
RF570 when with Bomber Command Bombing School, Lindholme, off Spurn Point 17.2.1960 (Lincoln at War, Garbett & Goulding)
Another view of RF570 when with Bomber Command Bombing School
source Robert Hughes, whose father Cedric was the pilotOn 7 September 2008 a party from the 207 Squadron Association Annual Reunion in Derby made their way to Cosford primarily to view the National Cold War Exhibition. These images of the Cosford Lincoln RF398 were taken then:
If you have any photos or information about the Lincolns flown by 207 Squadron, please contact the editor
page last updated 17 Sep 2008