207 Squadron (RAF) Association Newsletters 1993
Content Index75th Anniversary Supplement with Spring 1993 Newsletter
1 Signed memento of the last Dinner of No.7 Squadron RNAS 31.3.18 - via R E Darnton
2 Squadron Chronology - COs - Bases - Aircraft types used
6 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1919, by a Pilot 1/19-8/19 - Cyril Box
7 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1930, by a Pilot 12/29-11/30 - Gp Capt Charles Hawkins
8 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1938, by a Pilot 4/37-8/39 - Wg Cdr Bill Angell
9 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1943, by the CO 5/43-2/44 - Wg Cdr Peter Jennings
10 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1948, by the CO 3/48-12/49 - Gp Capt Guy Hogan
11 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1958, by the CO 6/57-4/59 - Gp Capt Charles Newman
12 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1963, by the CO 5/63-11/64 - AVM David Dick
13 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1978, by the CO 4/77-2/79 - Sqn Ldr Mike Perrett
14 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1984, by the CO 2/83-6/84 - Sqn Ldr Ian Hampton1993 Newsletter 1 : 207 Squadron 75th Anniversary
5 obituary - J E Nutt, Flight Engineer, September 1944 - Ron Winton
5 obituary - H C Mason, Observer 7/42-12/43: Frank Bottomer's crew - Ron Winton
6 obituary - Sqn Ldr Peter Squirrell, Pilot 1958-61: B Flight Commander - Ken Marwood
7 obituary - Sqn Ldr S E Pattinson, Pilot 11/41-11/42, A Flight Commander 1/44-8/44 - Frank Roper, Michael Pattinson, Penny Beauchamp, Rex Kenyon, Jim Pickford
10 obituary - Dennis Dear, Bomb Aimer 11/43-12/44: Doug Smith's crew - Harry Priestley, Doug Smith, Larry Sutherland, Alec White
12 obituary - Flt Lt Leonard Cankett, Ground crew 1941-45 - Fred Pearce
12 obituary - Sqn Ldr Ollie Crookes, Pilot 3/56-8/61 - Ken Marwood, Ken Hunter
13 obituary - John Harrison, Valiant Crew Chief, 5/55-5/65 - Ken Marwood
15 Training to fly the Valiant - Memories of 232 OCU Gaydon - Ken Marwood
17 Langar in view - a brief history of Langar airfield - Barry Goodwin
19 The finding of NG399 EM-0, lost 14/15.4.45: author was the pilot - Jack Cranston, Pilot 11/44-7/45
20 When half an op became a pain: author, Observer 3/44-9/45, was Nav Leader on 207's last WW2 op Berchtesgaden 25.4.44: story is of an op when training in S Africa, in support of Free French in Madagascar. On 207 Squadron he was informed this counted as half op - George Chesworth
20 The Lancaster in the lake: EE173 EM-K lost 30.1.43 Berlin Dick Burnet's crew: a/c found in Lake Krumme Lanke, Berlin about 1971: Sgt Arthur Pulman had replaced Ivan Hall, and was killed: authors were the Navigator and W/Op - Ken Brown & Laurie Barnes
22 Wg Cdr Peter Jennings' line shoot on pigeons 29.5.43 - Frank W Haslam
23 Washington WF565: why on static display at 1953 Odiham Royal Review - Ron Emeny1993 Newsletter 2 : Updated register issue
4 obituary - Lloyd Hahn, Air Gunner 7/44-12/44: by the Wireless Operator in their John White crew, shot down in LM761 EM-S 18/12/44 on Gydnia - Ron Winton
4 obituary - Wg Cdr Peter Jennings DFC, Pilot & CO 5/43-2/44 - Tiger Houghton, Dick Beatty, John Grime, Gordon Moulton-Barrett, Wallace McIntosh
7 obituary - Rex Kenyon DFC, Navigator 8/43-6/44 - Murray Baud, late Joyce Brotherton, Sue Kenyon
8 obituary - Jerzy 'Joe' Kmiecik AFM, Pilot early 1970s-81 - Daily Telegraph, Ken Maggs, Mike Perrett, Slim Pocock
10 obituary - Eric Matthews, Air Gunner 2/45-5/45 - Ron Winton
10 Bottesford unit badges dedication ceremony 25.4.93; in the restored Control Tower at Bottesford: Wallace McIntosh on his fund raising 207 Top Gun tour of airfields - Frank W Haslam
12 Formation of the Langar Airfield 207 Squadron Memorial Committee - Barry Goodwin, John Mitchell
13 Life at Langar: the author was Navigator/Bomb Aimer 12/42-6/43 - Gilbert Haworth
15 207 Squadron - General Information: extract from the information document of that name given to newcomers in the author's time: author was 'A' Flight Commander, Navigator 3/61-7/63 - Ken Hunter
16 Life on the Squadron over the decades - 1951, by the CO 6/51-4/54: this complements the other articles in the 1993 Commemorative Supplement - Wg Cdr Geoffery Fisher
17 Dedication of a 207 Squadron Memorial in Switzerland: 10-11.7.93: Le Bouveret: the Badge crew ED412 EM-Q was lost on Turin 13.7.43 after being hit by Swiss AA fire, crashing into Le Grammont above Le Bouveret at the eastern end of Lake Geneva: role of Dr Bryan Pattison of RAFA Switzerland branch - Ron Buck, Raymond Glynne-Owen
19 Highlights of 207 Squadron Memorial Fund Marathon: the aim was to visit all 65 Bomber Command airfields that were operational at the end of WW2 in Europe: the author was Air Gunner 11/42-7/43, 3/44-5/45 - Wallace McIntosh
21 Action! but of a different kind: Appointment in London: film starring Dirk Bogarde, screenplay and music by ex-207 John de Lacey Wooldridge: Ken Marwood on the filming of it and of The Dam Busters - Frank W Haslam, Ken Marwood